Senin, 18 Februari 2013

Effect of Entres Immersion in Corn and Water Spinach Extraction on Growth of Cocoa Grafting (Theobroma cacao L.) [ABSTRACT]

Muhammad Iqbal (G111 08 002) Effect of Entres Immersion in Corn and Water Spinach Extraction on Growth of  Cocoa Grafting (Theobroma cacao L.). (Supervised by Ambo Ala and Dahliana Dahlan).

This experiment was conducted at the Screen House Faculty of Agriculture, Hasanuddin University, Makassar on January to April 2012. This study aims to determine the growth of the cocoa grafting with spinach and corn extracts treated as a substitute synthetic hormones. This study was conducted in the form of draft factorial in groups of two factors: the first factor in the form of water spinach extract comprising: without water spinach extract, water spinach extract 25%,

For more completely look at 

Keywords: cocoa, grafting, water spinach extract, corn extract, phytohormone

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